Thanks for taking the first step towards resolving your debt

We’ll keep this simple! Just pick the payment option that works for you. With Pay Online, you’ll also get extra features to help you manage your payments.
If you’re struggling to pay, then please get in touch – remember we’re here to help.

Simply visit our Contact Us page, choose the industry that best describes your account and we’ll put you in touch with the right person to help.

If you’ve received a message from ARMA, whether by SMS, WhatsApp, email, letter or call, it’s because we’ve been asked to help you resolve an unpaid debt.

The information we’ve received has been given to us in good faith, and it’s our job to make sure that it’s correct and always kept confidential.
Whether you acknowledge that the debt is yours or not, it’s important to engage with us as early as possible – that way we can resolve it as quickly as possible and you can get back to the things that are important to you.

The Debt is Mine. What Are My Options?

The most important thing you can do is don’t ignore it.
If a client of ours feels that the messages we are sending on their behalf are being ignored, they may instruct us to escalate our efforts to recover the outstanding amount. It’s important therefore that you work with us to  find a solution to bring your account up to date.
The easiest way is by clicking the button below where you’ll find a whole range of options and features to help you manage your account.

Other Payment Options Available

Pay over the phone

Call 1300 023 568 to use our automated telephone payment system. Alternatively speak to one of our consultants who will be able to assist you. Please ensure you have your ARMA Reference Number on hand. You’ll find this in the SMS, email or letter we sent you.

Please note that all credit or debt card payments will incur a 1.25% surcharge.

Pay by direct bank transfer

Set up a one-off payment via your internet banking or mobile payment app. You’ll find our bank details included in the notice we have sent you. Please ensure you include your ARMA Reference Number for any transaction.

Account Name:  ARMA Group Trust
BSB:  082 124
ACC:  74 814 6085

Pay using BPay

Please ensure that you use your ARMA Reference Number as your BPay reference number. You’ll find this in the SMS, email or letter we sent you.

BPay Biller Code:  375 147

Cheque or money order

Please ensure that you include your ARMA Reference Number when mailing us any cheque or money orders. You’ll find this in the SMS, email or letter we sent you.

Please make your cheque or money order out to:
ARMA Group Holdings Pty Ltd, 
Locked Bag 5044, Alexandria NSW 2015

Direct Debit

If you would like to set up direct debit from your nominated bank account you will need to follow the link below to complete our direct debit form. Once submitted our customer service team will process your request and provide confirmation once this is complete.


This debt is not mine. What are my options?

If you believe that you’re not the account holder or aren’t responsible for the debt, then it is important that you tell us why.
It may be because the creditor’s name is unknown to you, you can’t remember the debt or it’s from a long time ago. In some cases, it may be that the debt belongs to someone else. Your best option is to check whether the details we have for this account is correct. If there’s any issues, then please get in touch with us as soon as possible so we can take the matter up with the creditor on your behalf.

Check Your Account

We only ever receive your information from organisations with whom you have a current or existing contract. Sometimes,it may be a parent or subsidiary company so double check to make sure they’re legitimate.

Confirm Your Details

In any message we send, make sure that you recognise any unique identifiers (such as your name, customer number orbilling reference) that are provided. If you can’t verify that these are correct, call us before clicking any links

Choose Your Options

We understand that every situation is unique, so we have a variety of different options to help you get back on track. Pay now, set up a payment plan that suits you, or request a call back. The choice is yours.

Want To Know More? See Our Frequently Asked Questions.